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  • WASHER WON'S START AFTER PUTTING MONEY IN:  Make sure the door is fully closed and latched.  Make sure you have pushed the start button.

  • WASHER KEEPS RUNNING:  It is air locked from too much soap or something has plugged the drain.  If it is a washer with the red button, push and hold the red button for 3 or more seconds.  The door will open in 3 to 5 minutes.  If it does not have the red button, only managment can open it.  In the latter case, you can try adding liquid fabric softener.  It may cause the washer to eventually drain, quit running, and open the door... it may take over an hour to do so or if the drain is totally blocked, it may not work at all.  If nothing works, leave a message for management including your contact number.  We will stop the washer in the morning, dry the clothes and make arrangements to get the clothes back to you.

  • DRYER WON'T HEAT - Make sure you have pushed the correct heat button of the dryer you have put your clothes in. (For example, if you have your clothes in the top dryer and push the buttons for the bottom dryer, your money will be applied to the bottom dryer.) Be sure the dryer door is closed tightly.  If it still won't heat, you will have to move your clothes to a different dryer and request a refund.

  • REFUNDS - Call 570-265-5986, leave a message and a call back number and time to call.  We will call the next business day.


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